My wish for you.

As many schools do, each year we have an opening assembly to welcome faculty and students back to school. I usually snag a few hundred photos and shoot some video of the first days of school, throw everything together in a quick iMovie and share with the school community at this event. I had already completed about 75% of this year’s back-to-school movie when I decided to try something different this year.

While driving home one day a few weeks ago, I began crafting a blog post in my head, as many bloggers often do.  This particular post included a list of things I wished for my students for the coming year. I decided, then, since we are focusing heavily on helping our children develop a love of reading this year, to write a story for our students and staff to present at our opening assembly. I wanted to model my love of reading and writing and share a creation with them! I used Storybird. I was rather pleased with how it turned out, and I hope our school community enjoyed when I shared it this afternoon. It was fun seeing my book on “the big screen.” 🙂 Hopefully other teachers and students will write some original stories to share as well!

Wishes-for-a-New-School-Year-Brecknock-Elementary by lhilt on Storybird

My message this year focused on my desire for us to work together as a community of learners: the importance of working in a respectful, responsible, and safe environment in order for all of our needs to be met. I told them how proud I was with their ability to be flexible and embrace changes in our schedules. In addition to our focus on reading, I described various ways our students could serve in leadership roles throughout the school this year and stressed the value of teamwork and collaboration. I am grateful for the opportunity to address our school community in this manner, and I am looking forward to another fabulous year together!

14 Replies to “My wish for you.”

  1. Lyn,

    I’ve seen this floating about the Twitterverse for a bit now and just finally made my way to it. What an awesome, inspiring way to start the school year. One of my favorite parts, of which there are many, is reminding students to share their dreams. Often, by the time I get students in high school, many have forgotten what it is to dream because we are so focused on cause, effect, and results.

    While you are speaking to the students, this is no doubt inspiring for your teachers, as well, to be reminded to be ever present in creating this very environment for the students in which to thrive. Thanks for always sharing examples of how to make school better despite the testing constraints and the current squeeze on our public schools in PA!

    Best wishes for a great year!

  2. Thank you for sharing not only your great way to use Storybird, but for your lovely words of wisdom and encouragement for all of your learners!

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